Continuous constant temperature incubations and field experiments were adopted to study the nutrient release characteristics of four compound slow release fertilizers and the effect on yield and medical qualities of rhizome of Chinese goldthread. 采用连续恒温培养和大田试验研究了4种缓释复合肥在种植黄连的土壤(森林黄棕壤)中的养分释放特性及其对黄连产量和药用品质的效应。
Objective Distinction Chinese goldthread rhizome really false, guaranteed clinical with medicine quality, guarantees patient's safety. 目的鉴别黄连的真伪,保证临床用药质量,确保患者的生命安全。
Objective: To study the changes of nutrient contents in Chinese goldthread soil before and after planting Coptis chinensis. 目的:通过对种植黄连(简称植连)土壤营养条件进行研究,为黄连的科学施肥提供依据。
Study on nutrient character of rhizome of Chinese goldthread in Shizhu at different growth stages 石柱黄连不同生长期植株营养特性的研究
Preliminary studies on the nutrient characters of different kinds of Chinese goldthread soil 不同种类种植黄连土壤营养特性的初步研究
Study on the Extraction Process of Root of Chinese Goldthread ( Coptis chinensis) Coptis chinensis Franch. 黄连提取工艺的研究中药材黄连为毛茛科黄连属植物黄连Coptischinensisfranch。
Discrimination between Chinese goldthread rhizome and false product 黄连及其混淆品的鉴别
In the preparation technology research, We adopted L9 ( 34) orthogonal experiment extraction process to optimize fritillaria thunbergii, costus root and Chinese goldthread extraction technology. 在制备工艺的研究中,我们采用L9(34)的正交试验优化浙贝母、广木香、黄连的提取工艺。
In the study of quality standards, we formulated the identification methods of cuttlebone, Chinese goldthread, costus root by acid-base titration and thin-layer chromatography. 在质量标准的研究中,我们通过酸碱滴定、薄层层析制定了海螵蛸、黄连、广木香的鉴定方法。
By extractable amounts of berberine from Chinese goldthread, we investigated different moisture content, decoction time and times, then optimized water extraction process condition. 以黄连中的小檗碱提取量为考察指标,通过对加水量、煎煮时间及煎煮次数的考察,优化水提取的工艺条件。
There are relatively large content of berberine in Chinese goldthread, so we assayed the content of berberine by means of HPLC. 对于黄连,我们通过HPLC对小檗碱的含量进行了测定。